
Message #7, May 1 6:33 PM

I don't know what to code right now. I think school kind of destroyed my habit of coding in the morning I guess. Also why was I being a nerd last entry lol.

I just got Unity since I decided Phaser just wasn't for me. Gonna start learning C# after I decide I'm done with Javascript sdnfn.

What the hell is a Node


Message #6, Apr 24 9:51 PM

Been a week since I've actually done an entry, so...

I've been learning a lot about Javascript recently, I took a Codecademy course. That makes the learning process a bit faster compared to my previous rate. Also been researching in class.

I have been working on music. Unfortunately, I get very distracted while doing it, so I haven't done a lot of progress (R.I.P). It's not that making music is boring, but it makes my brain become very active, so I begin to go all over the place. Honestly, making music is very fun and makes me happy and satisfied, but it can take 3 hours just to make a single track just because I keep getting distracted. I could use those 3 hours doing something better. Though I do plan on making a game soon, so I sorta need to practice to make the soundtrack.

Phaser is difficult to learn. For those out of the loop, it's a game engine for browsers. It seems simple, but I don't know where to really start, since there's so many tutorials, and a lot of those tutorials don't touch the basics.

I just remembered that this website is a month old now. I was going to do something as a celebration, but it kept slipping my mind... :\

Anyways, I think that's it.


Message #5, Apr 17 7:59 PM

Man I'm just going to focus on the second part of this page instead of the phone JavaScript... If I continue to work on that I'll probably never solve it.


Message #4, Apr 17 6:26 PM

"Uncaught DOMException: Node.insertBefore: Child to insert before is not a child of this node"

... >:(


Message #3, Apr 16 6:36 PM

Why did I get so many views today I didn't even update...


Message #2, Apr 15 10:49 PM



Message #1, Apr 15 10:48 PM

While coding this website, I feel like I'm getting deja vu. When I was younger, I wanted to be a game dev, one of the reasons is because I thought it would be cool, the other because I thought it would be easy for some reason (Javascript is technically my first ACTUAL programming language, and gaddarn is it hard. I didn't start learning it though until like three weeks ago though lol). Anyways, I got into an argument with my cousin on whether it would be a hard job or not, and let's just say I lost that argument. After that I thought coding was hard, and thought I would probably never do it (heh) since I wanted an easy job. For some reason though, I've been feeling like I've seen myself coding before. You know when you have a dream of some people you know, wake up, think nothing of it, and then see it happen later in real life? That's kind of happening to me sometimes currently. I'm pretty sure I'm having false memories right now, because I literally do not even recall these memories. Or who knows, maybe this is my... Destiny (Kidding lol).
